What words of wisdom would you give to young girls growing up in today’s society?

  1. learn how to advocate for your health and demand second opinions when a doctor doesnt take you seriously

    take care to learn decisive, confident, and descriptive language skills to communicate your demands for your attentive and compassionate healthcare treatment in an efficient manner.

    also use this straight-forward method of communication when you call people out for being rude or dismissive toward you (or *anyone* else, cuz everyone needs a big sister to remind them they deserve better sometimes)

    dont talk shit, but take no shit either!

  2. You don’t need to be feminine to be a girl. Having short hair and wearing male clothes does not make you less of a girl

  3. It’s okay to like “girly” things. I really fell hard into the “not like other girls” trope when I was younger. 😔

    And it’s okay to not like “girly” things.

    There is no right or wrong way to be a girl or woman.

  4. Once you find those friends who are willing to go distances to help you, who value you and love you just like you’re family, hold onto them. Friendships like that are rare. Sisterhood will get you through the most difficult situations in your life

  5. Don’t sleep with guys to get validation and to try to fit in – they don’t value you at all

  6. If you’re dating a guy and he says if you “love him”, you will do something that’s not in your comfort zone, leave.

  7. Enjoy the moments. Don’t try to rush growing up, because once it happens, there’s no going back.

    Less is more for social media. Less people (keep your stuff on private, only people you know and want to share with), less following (be in the habit of regularly revisiting your follow list and unfollow those that don’t make you feel amazing), less time. It’s a hell of a habit to break once you get it, so fill your time with other things.

    Try to learn a balance of things from sports/activity, to art/crafts/making something with your hands, to music of some sort (harmonicas can be bought for $20). You don’t have to be good at them, but stretch all those parts of your mind and body. Youtube is an amazing resource for how to videos, so you can figure it out.

    Trust your gut. Whether it’s advocating for your health, saying no to hanging out with someone, or any other of the plethora of things that happen, listen to your gut when it’s telling you to change course.

  8. You are not an object of desire, subjected to men’s eyes. You are much more than your appearance.

  9. Get into trouble with your friends. Not too serious trouble but if elementary/middle school taught me anything it’s that your childhood is short as hell especially in this generation, so make as much memories as you can. Because in the next few years you’ll look back at those times and think “damn that was a lot of fun” and it doesn’t always have to be getting in trouble. But for me personally 3rd-5th grade is when I got into a ton of trouble daily and I don’t really regret anything, in fact I’m proud that I made those memories. Like I said, not too serious. Don’t be doing sh*t that can get you seriously hurt. But get the cops called once or twice, don’t go to jail. Get suspended for something stupid, not to often tho. Fight that b**ch you’ve been wanting to fight, don’t seriously injure them. Sneak out once and a while to go random places, don’t go too far. Kiss every single person at that sleepover, don’t get too s*xual tho. Confess to your crush. Go f*ck up the school restrooms, don’t mess up the construction. I would very much recommend doing it with friends, or maybe even meet friends that way. But even if you don’t get into trouble, MAKE. MEMORIES!!! Be a kid!!! Don’t spend your entire childhood inside your house on the internet. Sure go on the internet every few hours but don’t make that your entire childhood.

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