Sorry this is a kink related word

Do you think an average American person knows what “cuck” or “cuckold” means?

Is it a common kink? Do you know anyone who has that kink?

  1. Yes. No. Uncommon. No, not generally something one knows about another person.

  2. It became a very well known term when the right wing co-opted it to describe people who enjoyed watching their own country get screwed. Of course it quickly became extremely over used and fell out of favor almost as quickly as it came.

  3. I had the misfortune of being on 4chan in the mid 2010’s, yes.

    I just wanted to Banepost, then suddenly everything was “cuck this” and “sneed that”. Why not “Big Guy” this, or “mosquito man” that???

  4. I think pretty much anyone in the US who spends time on the internet or has watched some more risqué shows (game of thrones, shameless, Breaking Bad, etc.) probably has some sort of idea what cuckold means. Could I ask why you’re asking this question? It seems pretty random to me

  5. It’s used more often in politics as an insult, by conservatives at people they dislike, than used in a kink-related context.

    It has the same meaning, but it’s main use in everyday life is a conservative term for “people we disapprove of” or “people who aren’t masculine enough”

    . . .as for a kink, I don’t talk about that with friends, so I have no idea what they’re into. It’s not exactly the sort of thing you talk about with your buddies.

  6. > Have you heard of the word “cuck” before?


    > Do you think an average American person knows what “cuck” or “cuckold” means?

    In the sexual sense? No. In the political sense? Probably not, other than that the word is somehow “nasty.”

    > Is it a common kink?

    AFAIK, no, though I don’t make it a routine habit of asking my friends about their bedroom activities.

  7. Yes.


    I don’t know, I don’t ask people about their sex lives, not my business.

  8. Yes. A guy that does nothing while his wife has sex with other guys.

    I don’t think I know anyone into that shit, but you never know. People are weird.

    More recently, alt-right people on the internet have been using it as a political term for people they see as “weak”.

  9. >Do you think an average American person knows what “cuck” or “cuckold” means?

    Yes. It’s a fairly common insult.

    >Is it a common kink?


    >Do you know anyone who has that kink?

    No. That’s *really* not the kind of thing anyone with any semblance of self-respect is going to go around advertising in public.

    But then they *are* a cuck, so….

  10. Well I don’t know him personally, but I hear Jerry Falwell Jr. is into it.

  11. I know what it is. I’m guessing most people know what it is and will make distasteful jokes about it.

    I don’t know anyone personally who is openly into it, but if anyone remembers the sexy site, I had some people on there message me and say they were into it. I did not respond to those messages.

  12. People don’t tend to share their kinks with me unless they are sleeping with me. So I don’t know how common it is, but yes I know what that means.

  13. There are two ways this word becomes part of your lexicon.

    1. You’re involved in FetLife communities, either dating apps or web forums.

    2. You’re extremely online and need to disconnect from social media and find actual social connections.

    This is not a common word for most people.

  14. Sure. Way back in High School, I had an English Lit teacher who made sure to explain every dirty/bawdy comment as we studied Shakespeare.

    If you want teens to read a book, show them all the dirty words first.

    With the revival of the word, I’d guess most people know about it.
    No, I don’t personally know anyone that has that particular kink.

  15. The word “cuck” was co-opted by Republicans during the lead up to the 2016 election. Most people here only know it from that and don’t associate it with the kink.

  16. I think older adults (especially those who indulge their sexual desires, at least through knowledge) will know the definition of the word. It’s not a common kink in the slightest, or at the very least I don’t know anyone personally who is one. It’s mostly just an edgy 4chan tier insult, although if you find kink communities online, you can easily find someone who enjoys that kind of thing.

  17. This is not a new word. Its been around for a long time. Way before the internet and it being a kink. The word is in history books (in reference to kings lineage and whatnot) and Shakespeare for example.

  18. uncommon outside some internet communities that have usurped it’s meaning, generally incel and edgelord types that use it as a generic insult. often found in combination with insulting (fellow) men by calling them betas.

    as for someone with that actual kink, internet nonsense withstanding, none personally. and as for that, i have no comment on kinks; whatever consenting adults want to do with each other is fine in the privacy of their own homes, it’s not my business.

  19. I don’t know anyone who uses the word in any context other than some bullshit rabbit hole political nonsense. If you are talking birds and bird watchers the word (like bitch for dogs) has a real meaning devoid of kink or politics. It isn’t commonly used in good company, I recommend you avoid it.

  20. Yes. It originally meant a man who was being cheated on. Nowadays incels stole the word and use it to mean anyone who isn’t an incel.

  21. It’s a fairly common term.

    It means watching someone else have sex with your wife or girlfriend (or partner of any gender I suppose).

    It’s anyone’s guess how popular this kink actually is IRL.

  22. I think it’s used as a slang term more often than people actually do it as a kink

  23. We know what a “cuck” is and it’s an offensive term in the US not much of s kink.

  24. I know the term, but the only people I’ve ever heard use it in real life are talking politics, not sex.

  25. The word “cuckold” is from Old English. It’s been around for hundreds of years. Yes, most Americans would be familiar with it.

    Cuckolding as the name of a kink has been in use for decades. I don’t know that people would distinguish the kink from plain old adultery. It’s nonspecific and can mean both.

    “Cuck” by itself has only been shorthand for cuckold for the last decade or so, give or take a few years. But I literally can’t think of anything besides “cuckold” that it would be short for. So even if you never heard of it, one might easily assume what it means.

  26. Yes, I heard of the word before. Have you heard of a “hot wife”?

    I think the average American probably wouldn’t know this term. It is not a common kink. I don’t know anyone with it currently, and I’ve never met anyone that has shared that they have this kink.

  27. >Do you think an average American person knows what “cuck” or “cuckold” means?

    Probably anyone who read assigned books in high school has encountered the word “cuckold” which comes up in quite a few pieces of literature (and is a major topic in the regularly assigned *Merchant of Venice.*) “Cuck” is used more on the internet as a political insult, but if I had never heard it I would assume it’s a shortening of cuckold.

    >Is it a common kink? Do you know anyone who has that kink?

    I don’t think it’s common. Most people would be unhappy to be cuckolded. I’ve never had anyone tell me they are interested in that sort of thing.

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