My (24M) Dad (60M) has a habit of asking way too many questions that gets extremely annoying. And the questions are ridiculous like he would see me eating some walnuts and he’ll ask “what are you eating?” Or something like “who are you going for dinner with?” “How many people are there?” “Whose going?” Like he’ll actually fucking pry for these questions and they’ll come down all at once. I get super annoyed at this shit and i flipped just now when he went on to ask me multiple questions out of nowhere and he got mad. Saying “Oh so now I can’t even ask you questions?” Holy shit I’m going nuts over this habit of his and I can’t fucking stand it.

tldr; Dad asking too many questions that do not concern him out of boredom.

Edit: I’m working from home at the same time, he likes to do this even when I’m in a meeting.

  1. Have you tried talking to him. Giving him information or asking him questions and so on? Perhaps elaborate your responses. It sounds like he is just trying to find something for you to talk about.

  2. Indian here, my dad is similar, except instead of questions, I’ll only get opinions.Here’s what works (kind of) for me.

    Dad sees you eating walnuts, and ask whatcha eating?You: Walnuts dad! and you should eat some too. Ya’ll are getting old, and you need to take better care of yourselves, which you really don’t do, and this is no way to live, you need to think about your health, do you wanna watch health YT videos with me? We should think about the Keto diet for you….Basically, rant on him about his flaws, but in a language that shows CONCERN. If anyone says anything, “oh so now I can’t even be concerned about my parents who have taken care of me till now. You taught me that taking care of your parents is the duty of a child and now you won’t even let me do that” Then have a sad face and huff around. You’ll start getting power in the household.

  3. How about reading the same book, playing cards, helping him make other connections.

    Being lonely and bored is no crime. I think you could be a big help to him and also get your peace.

  4. Simple answer – move out of his house, and you won’t have to be bothered by him trying to make polite conversation.

  5. Don’t be mean to your dad! One day you are gonna miss all those questions when he dies and it’s too quite.

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