I (29M) matched with a 29F a week or so go on a dating app, chat has been amazing and quickly moved onto texting. We both have kids, similar age etc, connection felt really good considering the amount of time we’ve been talking. FaceTimed earlier this week, and arranged a date at a local pub. An hour before, she told me she was getting the beginnings of a migraine and would need to go home and rest for a few hours so the date went out the window. Didn’t see it coming tbh, I’m inclined to believe her but I’m also gullible as heck and was really excited for the date. I’ve also said to let me know how she’s feeling after some rest, as I’m happy to do something then. Thoughts? I’m fully not expecting to hear anything from her again today.

  1. Bro you are on a date with a 29 year old with kids, you think she is high quality? Lol. Go for women 21-25 range with no kids and they will act more feminine, friendly, with less baggage.

  2. Completely disagree with you that ‘very few 29 year old males go on first dates with 29 year old females’ – left out the high quality bit because what kind of garbage is that? Declining? What planet are you from? Women are beautiful at any age mate, you just sound like a misogynistic arsehole. Do one, please. I wanted advice from those in a position to give it, not someone like yourself. Cheers

  3. There’s nothing much you can do but wait and see. Follow up in a day or two and ask how she’s feeling if you don’t hear back from her first.

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