What is something that you feel you can’t talk about with your SO?

  1. I have ulcerative colitis and even though my boyfriend knows about it, I haven’t really told him how this disease basically makes me want to end my life at least once a month. I don’t feel comfortable telling him everything because its really fucking embarrassing for me. Even my close friends and family don’t know how badly this disease is eating away at my life every single day.

  2. How I’m going to kill myself eventually. I started discussing it at one point but she freaked out so much, I stopped. I found a really painless way to do it and I’m just waiting for the right occasion.

  3. I don’t think you can discuss anything that is troubling you. It always turns into either a “one upmanship” (as in “your problems are insignificant compared to mine and mine are…”), dismissal or an attempt to make it about her.

    Example of the latter: last gf, about to have sex, couldn’t get it up (nerves, as it ended up), freaked out, got sad and told her that she should find someone who isn’t broken. Her reaction? “How *dare* you devalue my choice?!” and I had to calm her down and deal with *her* feelings.

    Also, there are only two types of hobbies you can talk about with your gf/wife: the ones approved by the International Female Council (sports, cars, trivia, current events, etc.) and the ones that she likes herself. Hobbies that *you* like are a no no, because she gets visually bored and openly says so.

  4. Anything I don’t tell her is for her own good. If there is something I can’t talk about with her, it is because I feel it would be difficult for her to understand, and would likely upset her.

    In general I wont tell her anything I wouldn’t tell a casual acquaintance.

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