Women who left a partner because they would not commit to a future…what happened and how are you doing now?

  1. Split pretty early when I was 20. It wasn’t really all about committing to the future, he just didn’t have the same ambition/drive I did. I think alot of these types of breakups boil down to differences in maturity level.

  2. I broke up with him and he still keeps trying to hit me up every now and then after 3 years. As far as I know, he’s still single and having a hard time finding someone that’s willing to date him long term.

  3. It took the route of the usual on and off again cycle until I finally made my mind. I am great now, going for my higher studies out of my country. I still miss him sometimes but I am fully happy with the decision I made as I am very excited about life now. I have a few sad moments because it didn’t work out but I am optimistic and excited about what life has ahead.

  4. I was in denial and all of a sudden it hit me. We talked and he told me right into my face I don’t see any future with you and I don’t have any problems with what we have now. And I said byeeee. He texted me long rants to justify himself and maybe get me back and I blocked him from everything. now I’m in a happy healthy relationship and I’m thankful everyday that I dumped his lazy butt.

  5. I’m thriving, we were together for 3 years, he didn’t want to move past living seperately. I ended it and shortly after met my now husband, we have a great life 2 great kids, the ex who wanted to be Peter Pan forever is still single 10 years later, I don’t want to say his loss but ….

  6. I have been unfortunate to be in two of those relationships (first was a toxic 8.5 years the second was 4 years) – both times I have been so glad to have gotten the courage to leave them as they were never going to go anywhere and I would’ve regretted not doing what was right for me.

    I just recently at the end of the year left my 4 year relationship and started to work on me and my wants. Fast forward to now. I have a great career that is fully supportive of my life goals, I now have a loving partner who understands my needs are important and has fully committed to marriage and kids (we had this talk within the first month of dating and continue to talk about it now) with me within the next two years, and I’m now in the process of buying my own home! If it’s not working, if there’s no commitment, then there’s just no point staying and being miserable. Life’s too short to have regrets.

  7. Begged me to have a baby, while I was recovering from a life threatening illness. Didn’t have a job and lived with his parents, so I asked him what was he going to do with a baby? His parents would take care of it, of course! 🙃
    Told his mother what he said on my way out, honestly felt worse about breaking up wit her than her son. She said I made the choice but she was going to miss me. His father put down his morning newspaper for once and told me I was too smart for his son anyway.
    Happily married to someone else now.

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