Women of reddit who have had an elective hysterectomy, what were your reasons and did you ever regret it?

  1. Never wanted kids myself. Didn’t want to rely on men keeping their end of the deal when it can to birth control. No regrets at all.

  2. Chose elective due to twins and ended up having an emergency section anyway. No regrets. Saved my babies.

  3. Was on birth control, got tubes tied at 38. Got off bc and periods came roaring back irregular AF, 17-20 days. 20 days if lucky. Had to go back on bc to control THAT. By 45, there were supply chain issues and couldn’t get my brand, and was fed up. Got the hysterectomy, bliss for 3 years until hot flashes, now on estrogen. Sigh. 50 now, not a single regret. Life without that bag of hassle is great!

  4. I didn’t get an elective hysterectomy, but a semi-elective bilateral salpingectomy (tube removal, and still get my period and can’t have kids!) They could’ve tried to unblock my tubes but tbh I was relieved to be free of the motherhood expectation.

    Happiest I’ve ever been ever. Never wanted kids and I spent too much of my life with unmanageable health.

    I feel alive, free, and don’t regret it for a second.

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