Me and a coworker hung out on break today as a bit of a first date. We didn’t really do too much other than get some food and hang out for an hour. I thought we had a good time and she texted me saying she had fun. I asked her if she was free for a real date on our day off.

This is how she responded:
“i’m doing dinner with my parents, we can hang out as friends and go to dinner sometime, maybe eventually i’ll let you take me on a date”

Was I just friendzoned?

  1. Perhaps it’s because you guys are coworkers I mean you don’t see a lot of coworkers date. It’s not very common. Maybe she has her type, physically or personality. There’s not enough context to think of other possibilities

  2. If by friendzoned you mean state that you are currently just friends, then yes. I’m pretty sure though that she literally said one day she’d let you take her out on a proper date meaning – now friends but one day more. Just take it slow and don’t rush. Some people just like getting to know someone before committing. I’m the same way. She definitely sees potential, so keep up the good work.

  3. Well I don’t think you got frienzoned, as of now she thinks of you as a friend, but remember she also said “maybe eventually I’ll let you take me on a date”, this could mean that she just wants to know you more before going on a date with her.

  4. Nope! She wants to keep you in reserve in case she gets lonely or desperate later. She may even get you to pay for some expensive meals but if she liked you and actually had plans with her parents this weekend, she would offer an alternative day to go out.

  5. Sounds like you’re put on the bench for now lol. She’s implying she’ll give you a chance once she gets to know you better outside of work. Co workers don’t exactly show their real side to each other unless they are something more outside, so I understand what she’s saying

  6. Not friend zoned yet, but your definitely not her #1 right now. Not a slam but advice. Focus more on yourself and not so much on what you don’t have. Be true to your values in how you treat yourself and how others to treat you.

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