Ladies who live alone, what are your favourite things about living alone?

  1. Nobody in my home unexpectedly. Don’t have to be around people when I’d rather be alone. Mom isn’t trying to guilt trip me into hanging out with her as much. I don’t have to listen to the news (I prefer to read it because the TV news always seems a day or two behind and it makes me upset to hear only depressing shit for like an hour at a time).

  2. -dont have to talk

    -can sing whenever

    -can cry whenever

    -can practice my oration whenever

    -can watch things without earphones

    -dont have to worry about nudity

    -can stay out as long as i want

    -can make my own decisions about the home decor

  3. Absolutely everything. From getting to pick how my own home looks and feels to whatever the hell I want for dinner, to not having to worry about anyone else and their bullschtick. It is HEAVEN

  4. The ability to do whatever I want! I can have someone over if I want to, be alone if I want to, decorate however I want, walk around naked lol. It’s the best

  5. Just being able to do what i want whenever I want. I have a very irregular sleep schedule and it’s nice not to have to take other people into consideration.

  6. Probably the only thing I like about it at the moment is that I control all the sound. No unexpected noises, nobody talking when I want quiet or talking too loud, my choice of background noise or silence, nobody breathing too loud or snoring

  7. Meal planning is usually pretty minimal and I can change my dinner plans at the last minute without having to communicate that to anyone else, or worry about displeasing them.

    I leave all my craft projects and things around the house and they go undisturbed. My dog sleeps in my bed. I can work out and hog the tv at any time. I love almost everything about living solo. The only times I almost wish there was another person there is when there’s a chore I don’t want to do, or something I can’t quite reach.

  8. Doing my own cooking and cleaning when i want, how i want.
    Watching what i like on TV.
    Not having to explain or discuss what im doing.
    Having a whole bed to myself.
    Being able to decorate exactly how i want.
    Being able to buy or save whatever i want.
    Having my own pets. No discussions or compromises.

  9. Can walk around and sleep naked, no roommate in my way when I cook, I have complete control of visitors, listen to tv and music without headphones, can sing and dance freely

  10. I have kids half the time but when I’m alone it’s heaven.

    Can watch bad TV, sleep all day on a Sunday, eat random things instead of real meals if I don’t want to cook, I can buy yellow pillows, giant yellow chairs and not have to make sure it’s okay with someone else (most hate yellow). I can make cannabis oils and get high AF with nobody but myself to deal with and I crack my shit up. Bought a telescope to just zone out at the world.

    When you live with others that aren’t homebody types, it’s tough to just be. When I’m alone, I can fully be me.

  11. Walking out of my clothes as soon as I get through the door and giggling at the trail left behind the next day.

    No one is worried about my mess and no sex was expected!

  12. It’s always clean
    Binging on soap opera
    Loud music all the time
    Every room is my room

  13. Everything.

    Watch what I want, when I want.

    Eat, sleep, shower on my own schedule.

    Decorations however I want.

    No one to nag me or tell me what to do.

  14. don’t have to meal plan for 3 meals a day and can work on my own schedule, like shower whenever lol

  15. I’m married and live with my husband. This past week, I’ve been having lots of thoughts/feelings about wanting to live alone :/ some things I miss include…

    The house always being clean. Everything being in the correct spot. Grocery shopping, planning, and cooking for one. Watching my shows and reading my books in peace. Having people over whenever I want (aka not often). Decorating the way I want.

    Lately, I’ve been feeling like I’m living somewhere that’s not my own home (even though it is) because I share it with my husband who has a complete opposite living style than I do. And it makes me uncomfortable.

  16. I can do anything anytime I want, at whatever volume I want, as messily as I want, and I’m not bugging anybody

  17. I can lounge around in as little clothes as I want and don’t have to clean up after myself without being judged

  18. I spend a good majority of my day “masking” (or at least trying to) my ND traits. I love that I can come home and not have to mask – I can be myself safely and without judgement. There is a whole list of other things that I could add, but being able to take off my mask is my favourite thing about living alone.

  19. Soooooo much. But what I love most is learning to really enjoy my own company.

    This helps when depression or self hate want to visit and they are quickly banished by inviting good or yummy humans over in their place.

  20. Compared to when I lived with my ex, not having any one else to blame. Lol. If something around the apartment is bothering me (unclean dishes, dirty counters, laundry everywhere), it’s all mine. And I know I’ll get it to it. Rather than my ex who may or may not ever get to it and I inevitably end up doing it.

  21. Cereal for dinner any dang time I want

    Oh, is it sportsball season? Curls up on couch and reads quietly

    My purple velvet couch with a ridiculous number of foofy pillows

    Sleeping diagonally on the bed and hogging the covers

    Hey, there’s still ice cubes in the ice bin! And that bag of Hershey Nuggets I bought last week is still in the freezer. Sweet!

    Spread out crafting stuff on the table. Take a nap. Crafting stuff still on the table waiting patiently.

    Poot to my heart’s content. No judgement. Well, sometimes giggles.

    My georgette blouse does not get washed with his jeans and whatever else was in the basket, then put in the dryer.

    Thermostat set comfortably somewhere between Morgue and Terrarium.

  22. The list of things I dislike is shorter:

    There’s no one here to zip my dresses. I had to buy a thing off Amazon to accommodate that.

    That’s it. That’s the entire list.

  23. I really enjoyed having the freedom of “me time.” I lived in a family of 8 before I moved out and it was so nice to just exist without having to worry about what’s happening with everyone else until I was ready to deal with it.

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