Have you ever ran into an ex-girlfriend in public? If so, how did it go?

  1. Yes.

    Just walked past her. Did not stop. Did not talk to her.

    Did not turn around. Just kept walking….

  2. Twice. But the one that stands out is when I was a cop. I pulled this girl over and she was annoyed because I didn’t know who she was. She was my ex, but my dumb ass had already forgotten her. It was only like a year after we’d dated. But she started blowing up my phone after. She was cool, but I was with somebody else

  3. Female here.

    I ran into my ex after three years of no-contact. We dated for three years and lived together for two.

    Anyways, when I ran into him I was drunk on my birthday and having a night out in the city. He walked up to me and started begging me to move back in and we can pretend like we never split up, just go back to how things were. I was bawling, I felt terrible for him, but I kept saying no. Eventually his brother, who was/still is like my own brother, actually came to my rescue and brought me over to his place to sober up and talk things over. Haven’t spoken to my ex since.

  4. Smiled, gave her a wink and kept walking. Didn’t say anything, she was with her new guy.

  5. Recently ran into a ex in an airport in another city.

    She looked at me, did a double take, I smiled and brought attention to my wedding ring. Then she looked sad.

  6. Ugh. She pulled over and I had to talk to her for a half hour. Then she tracked me down on Facebook. She was married with kids by then.

  7. She tried to start shit with me while i was hanging out with my sister and we just laughed and walked away 🤣

  8. Stopped to chat for a while, agreed to get coffee and catch up, and it must have worked out because we’re still together.

  9. Met her at work. She was very much unhappy that I served her. After she told me that she regretted breaking up with me for another guy. Rarely felt better about myself after that day.

  10. We used to work together. It’s weird at first but after a while it becomes normal.

  11. I dated this girl for a year and we just broke up one day after we were both too busy to see each other. So one day I’m eating at Burger king in front of the store behind the glass wall and i see her walk by of course i jumped in shock and got ketchup on my shirt she notices the mess she smiles and waves hello i smiled and waved back and then she walked off and i continued to eat. No big deal.

    This happened 7 years after we broke up.

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