What is masculinity/ masculine to you?

  1. Being strong and having muscle and protect and provide for ur family is what I think of ultimate masculine <3

  2. Pissing while standing. And pissing on people and things. Assert clear dominance. /s

    Sorry I just noticed this was on r/askwomen.. pardon my distastefulness

  3. The ability to protect and the ability to be vulnerable with your loved ones.

  4. A natural tamed dominance. So hot. When it’s untamed though I’m running the opposite way.

  5. I literally wrote a book recently that involved needing to define gender & sexuality words like this, and what I have learned is that terms like “masculinity” and “femininity” are 1) highly culture-dependent and 2) largely self-defined.

    There’s nothing I can say that definitively describes masculinity, because there are infinite different ways to be masculine and to see oneself as being masculine.

  6. Having respect for others. Gentleness. Being vulnerable. Being mature. Being kind.

  7. Patience, kindness, passion, and feeling comfortable expressing your emotions in a healthy way.

  8. A socially constructed and culturally created set of characteristics, traits, and social expectations designated for those assigned male at birth or perceived as men by their society.

    Standard disclaimers: The traits, characteristics, and expectations assigned to a specific gender by your culture are not universal. Different cultures and even your own culture has at different times assigned different characteristics and social expectations to different genders.

  9. Bullshit stereotype. People are all human, we all share different traits and characteristics, what’s in our pants doesn’t define how we behave.

  10. Most of the time an excuse or self justification for certain people to be shitty

  11. When they’re overprotective, not TOO overprotective but still overprotective. Idk tho I haven’t been in a relationship since 3 years ago all I know is Wattpad, Chai, and romance anime/manga

  12. I like imagery and will offer a few cards from the Tarot (an old body of human insight and wisdom) as exemplary of masculinity: The Emperor, the King of Wands, the Knight of Wands, and the 8 of Wands. There are age old descriptions to go along with the images of you look them up.

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