I was tired and mad because of a lot of stuff. Over the past year I’ve been living with my girlfriend and whenever it comes to cleaning around the house she does not do anything. Some sort of event comes up and we buy a bunch of stuff for it. However when it comes to organizing and setting up this stuff, she disappears and does not help.

She had given me her word on multiple occasions with no luck other than her getting mad at me because I haven’t started right away. It ends up being me doing all the work, sometimes doing over and beyond what I’d like last minute so we can meet the expectation of what we wanted. This has led to a lot of disappointing times and it always turns into being my fault. Her excuse is she paid for a lot of it. I also paid for some of it too however she doesn’t want to acknowledge that she doesnt really help by buying crap.

I bought a clothing organizer for our closet as we were using totes before. She kept complaining about those totes so I did this which worked for the most part and she even said she can now go through her clothes. However a whole month went by and the room got worse.

Last night I had enough and started to clean because originally I wanted to play on my computer. I made a comment about being the “mad auntie” who cleans everything and she is just the uncle that just sits there half joking. But I was serious. She played it off like I should relax and lay down. I told her originally I was trying to play my games on my computer. This kind of pissed me off.

Earlier that day at lunch time there was some garbage and I was wondering if she would throw it out when she was done. She said that she would. I come home from work and up until the evening the garbage remained. I ended up throwing it out. There would be constant garbage flooding onto my desk. Which I would throw out.

Finally after putting some clothes away I lay down and she gives me some cuddles. Then she started to annoy me with poking and tickling. Not giving a real kiss. She could tell I was annoyed and said she was really getting to me. I asked her to stop buy she didnt right away. Eventually was trying to pull my beard hair out so I gave her tweezers to help. I couldn’t tolerate the pain so instead we watch a movie. I fell asleep on her. I woke up from her at the end of the movie and started to kiss. I tried to see if she wanted to have sex and she didnt. Turned over and went to sleep.

For me it was a combination of everything that eventually I got up on the bed and passed gas next to her head. It was the stupidest thing I did. She was mad. Said it was one of the most disrespectful things that I have done. There is probably no justification for it but I’ve tried everything to address the issue. I don’t know what to do.

TL;DR Girlfriend keeps promising to help out but doesn’t, was really upset one evening and passed gas by her face.

  1. I mean you’re not wrong to be mad about her laziness, and she definitely needs to pull her own weight. However by farting you literally made the problem about your immaturity. You need to have a serious talk with her instead of bottling it up

  2. You didn’t pull this disgusting and immature move on her until she turned you down for sex–if I was her, that’s what I would be taking away from this. That you punished her for saying no to sex. If your real issue is that she’s lazy and a slob, congrats–you just conceded the moral high ground.

    What should you do? Probably break up and both grow up. You’re both too childish to be in a relationship.

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