I never know what to call my boyfriend besides his name all the other words are girly to me.

  1. I can’t really think of anything to be honest. Now, I’m trying to decide if that is sad or not….

  2. My husband only came me by my name. He sometimes writes wombat on cards and I like that.

  3. I don’t have a preference but she calls me “Love.” Been so long since I heard my own name from her. But like you, I have no term of endearment for her. I call her by her first name. After several years together and being around other couples whose husbands call their wives something like “babe” she asked me why just her first name. The simple reason is: I like her first name. It’s very unique and I like saying it. After that she never bugged me again about it.

  4. I don’t have a significant other, but I love it when a girl calls me “big guy”

  5. BF and I are kinda on the weird side. I call him the usual, “Babe, baby, love, Honey.” like that.”Sugar.” Also, “Buddha” since he has recently gained weight and this is our joke of it. “Throw Rug”, he’s a hairy bastard.

    He calls me his little Cactus because I only shave my legs about once a week. We both love the Bruce Campbell movies, so he has been known to call me She-Bitch. I find it adorable.

  6. Husband.

    Started as a bit of a joke when we first got married.

    But it stuck!

    Also my handsome. Which il admit is a bit cheesey!

  7. We have a private joke . He calls me his vineyard peach and I tell him he is build like a panther . It was from a reporting video about a dictator in Africa receiving praises from a special dude payed for it 😂 hilarious stuff .

    Other wise we call each other my sweet or my beloved. Or love , it depends

  8. I’ve called my husband “Big Daddy” in and out of the room for years. Always gets a smile

  9. We’re not together anymore, but I was in a situationship where whoever woke up first would text the other one saying “good morning, my love” and every time she sent that to me, I just melted.

  10. My GF is a bit jumpy and a lot of times I scare her accidentally. She now calls me Boo. And I love it.

  11. I love it when she says “Yay, you didn’t take your schizophrenia pills today!”

  12. A girl I’m currently dating likes to add the word “cakes” at the end of my name. Something like Goldy-Cakes

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