i need to break up with my girlfriend but i freeze up every time and don’t know how to approach the situation.

i already posted this on another sub and got no help but im so desperate and have no one to talk to because my gf would be my go to but not with this.

basically, my gf (18f) and i (18f) have been dating almost 2 years, and it has been amazing, i love her dearly and we have shared so many great experiences and things with each other.

the issue is i am staying in state for university. she was accepted into a great university out of state, very far away.

her move in day is coming up in a few weeks.

i cant do long distance. i need to be close physically to the person im dating. i dont want our university experiences to be watered down and not to the fullest because i feel in a way we will be holding eachother back from experiencing a new place and new people.

she has attachment and abandonment issues, and i want to be mindful and respectful to her, its just difficult for me to be sure im doing the right thing in my approach. every time we are together and the words are on the tip of my tongue i just cant put it out there. honestly i think we both have been tiptoeing around the topic of the future because we are just so happy together. the conversation is a long time coming but neither of us seem willing to go there. its just so hard.

i dont know how to approach this or be confident, i want to be fair to both of us and not have any animosity.

i really need advice

TL;DR we are gonna be moving away from eachother and i dont know how to communicate i cant do the distance.

  1. I was in this predicament awhile back and I did it with a letter. The situation is reversed for me though. My ex and I were 80-90% long distance communication…

    I think that if you can’t verbally say it, the best way is to write a letter. I usually would write sappy love letters, but as our last parting I just sent a PDF of one and didn’t respond after that.

    Maybe spend some time together and make a good memory. Ofc it’s going to be bittersweet but it’s expected. It’s hard when someone leaves your life

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