It’s my birthday today. Me and my boyfriend have been together for about 6 months and we have a long distance relationship. Since he can’t go to me anytime because of his dog I came here yesterday. Today it’s been just like any other day. He said ”happy bithday”, but that’s it. I can’t help feeling a bit hurt. He has a lot of money and I don’t, but I gave him presents for his birthday and I would have been so happy if he just had bought me a rose or anything basically. Am I being childish? I guess he doesn’t care a lot about birthdays in general.

  1. Does he understand how important a gesture like that would’ve been for you? I don’t think you’re being childish. It’s normal for most people to want to feel special on their birthday. We like to know that someone thought of us and wanted to make us feel appreciated. I’d have been hurt too.

    Perhaps you can communicate to him your feelings? If you do talk to him about it, stick to “I” statements (“you” statements can make a person feel attacked). Something like “I was feeling kind of sad today because I was hoping for something special on my birthday” as opposed to “You made me feel sad because you didn’t do anything special on my birthday.”

    Just tell him how you feel. He may be completely unaware that he hurt you or that you expected something. Is it kind of crappy if he was unaware? Sure. But see if, with better understanding, he can adjust his ways in this situation. It’s worth a shot.

    Happy birthday!

  2. >He has a lot of money and I don’t,

    👆 That has nothing to do with you or your birthday. Especially not after dating for only 6 months.

    >but I gave him presents for his birthday

    Generally, people prefer you not do things for them if you’re going to be keeping track. Don’t do things for people with the expectation that they’ll do the same for you. Not everyone is into gift giving.

  3. If someone buys me smth for my birthday, I tend to give them a (birthday) gift in the same price range. When my gf’s birthday comes, I like to buy her chocolates, wines, or a new rubik’s cube (hobbies). We always give eachother something on birthdays, its his/her day.

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