The last year has been incredibly tough. My dad died unexpectedly two weeks before my wedding. My relationship with my mom deteriorated over the summer when she was staying with us and was horrible to my then-fiancé. Two weeks ago, we found out my uncle who’s like a second father to me has cancer.

I find it so hard to discuss this stuff. Do people call their friends with this news to talk? I hate burdening other people with my problems and I can’t quite be myself so every time I want to do it, I talk myself out of it.

1 comment
  1. I relate to this so much. My Dad died 6 months before my wedding and my relationship with my siblings deteriorated after that (they didn’t come to my wedding). 3 months after my Dad died, my favorite Uncle died. Personally, I started out only talking to my friends who had lost a parent bc I thought they would relate and I felt most comfortable talking to just them and my therapist, but later on I started talking to my other friends about it, and was surprised how very kind and supportive they all were. I recommend being careful to not put too much on any one person, but trust you’ll know exactly who to reach out to when you need emotional support. I’m so sorry for your losses.

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