So I guess i’ll get right to the point, I feel extremely lonely and wish to have a partner in my life, I have always avoided contact with women my entire life because I basicly never knew what to say (and to afraid to try).

Now recently I had reached rock bottom, my mental health is going down the drain fast (has been for the past 5 years, but the past 5 months have been by far the most difficult in my life, even told my parents I have been thinking of ending my life because of how lonely I feel and how bad I am at talking) though recently I am trying really hard to gain some social skills, trying to gain experience by visiting friends, talking to them and their girlfriends, and saying yes to being invited to stuff.

This might be a bit to much for this subreddit I admit haha, but what I am asking I guess, is if there’s anyone that has been in a similar “worst-case” like my lonely life, and managed to get out of it, that might have some tips getting to talk to women, and eventualy “knowing what to say”.

Anything will be highly appreciated, thank you.

1 comment
  1. 26 about to be 27. I used to think I was introvert till I switched into doing things I liked and trying new things (asking for help sparks conversation btw) no one really has a hang on social skills anyways, so who cares lol try local meetups etc seems like you just gatta clear your head but easier said then done, sorry if I cant give good advice other than say hey theres people out there willing to help !

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