My girlfriend and I are in a 4 month relationship now. We’re both 18, but that all shouldn’t be relevant to what I’m about to talk about.

So basically whenever we have any sexual intimacy, she somewhat makes me force onto her. What I mean by force is that she makes it seem like she doesn’t want to kiss me by moving her head away but then she tells me after that she wants me to force myself onto her to be able to kiss her.

This is somewhat similar in sex although less frequent. She tells me to stop touching her but then tells me when she says “stop” she means that I should do it more. Is this some sort of weird fetish? I need help to understand this sort of behaviour

thanks for reading.

  1. It’s consensual non-consent, and the two of you need to decide on a safe word. Then she can say “no” and “stop” all she wants, but if she says the safe word, then you really stop immediately with no hesitation.

    It’s also good to come up with a safe action (like three fast taps) in case she can’t speak.

    You also don’t need to participate if it’s something that makes you uncomfortable. What you want matters too.

  2. This really helped, I will do this immediately and discuss this next time with her since I can see this becoming a problem possibly. Thank you.

  3. As the others said, she is into CNC! Just make sure you have a candid discussion about it and you end up with some clear boundaries and a plan of what word you will use as a safe word and what is okay and not okay during sex. Maybe you are fine with some cnc butt grabbing or grinding, but not okay with cnc penetrative sex, for example. You do you; have fun but be safe and sane.

  4. There is nothing wrong with CNC just set out the ground rules first and have a safe word Incase it’s not going well otherwise just enjoy. You don’t know how many men wished there partner had a kink

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