Guys, are you able to tell whether the girl you’re dating treats others nicely?

  1. How they talk about people behind their back is one example. Gossip and mean girl behavior isn’t *exclusively* gendered, but females do it a lot more (and more viciously) on average. Also just duplicity in general. It’s a bad sign when someone will say glowing things to someone’s face but spit nothing but venom when they leave the room.

  2. Usually no, at least not initially. Most of my dating happens one on one.

  3. Just observe her behavior towards people. Like the waiter at the restaurant.

    The ways she treats the wait staff (is a good indicator) because they have no personal connection to her. They are professional and they are to do a job. Observe how she treats them and what she says about them (Anything negative – Its a red flag) ,.

  4. I have to wait to see them around friends and family.

    One of my ex’s presented as the nicest person in the world, until I saw her with her college roommates. Big time cunt.

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