So, I’m a big dude, 6’4″ 300. Not necessarily “fat”. Big and strong. My s/o if very fit. I’ve heard through the grapevine that comments are being made that she is out of my league, that she should be embarrassed. Since hearing that, I’ve become increasingly self conscious. She assures me that I’m attractive, and good in bed. I just can’t get past it. Any suggestions?

  1. Bro if you’re hearing from OTHER people besides your s/o that you’re inferior in some way, shape, or form, you’re listening to the wrong people.

    Don’t you think it’s a bit disrespectful of her affirmations to just toss them aside in favor of what Joe Schmoe said the other day? She’s your s/o. Listen to her my guy!

  2. Listen to what she is telling you and be thankful you’re punching above your weight. It’s that easy.

  3. Who’s making these comments? Are those people in a position to influence her, or punish her socially for dating someone “beneath her?” If so you’ll have to brush it off, because it really doesn’t matter. But if its her close friends or people whos’ approval she desires, that could become a problem over time. Everyone talks a big game about not giving a fuck until the queen bees of the group start making them pariahs, and at that point you’ll have to walk a very fine line. But hopefully it isn’t that.

  4. As a guy that is also similar to your build but a few inches shorter, I know what you mean. Men are jealous of men who have attractive or cute girlfriends or wives. Not all of us look like Chris Hemsworth in the world, so of course other average guys are going to assume you have money or what does he have that I don’t mentality. A lot of arrogant in shape or ripped looking guys will also bad mouth big guys. In my experience, a lot of women like big guys who are well proportioned with meat on the bones. If you have a handsome face or good smile, strong build, or you make them laugh, and you’re kind, then a lot of women are less superficial than men. As long as your lady is happy with you who cares what other dudes think? Just smile and wave. If it’s her “friends” saying things to her, then they certainly are not her friends and she should find new ones. Hope that makes you feel better about yourself. 👍

  5. My advice, fuck them, if she really were out of your league she wouldn’t be dating you, they’re bugging probably out of jealousy

    P.S. by “fuck them” I don’t literally mean fuck them

  6. The same puckered assholes that make comments about shit that doesn’t concern them are the ones who are eyeballing your girl. Listen to your girl. Fuck the haters.

  7. Dude, take advantage of that, giver the ol’ “Meat Stick 9000″ and blow her mind. These are the time that history fuckin slay and exceed everyone’s expectations. And have fun. Fuckneveryone else. I’ve had girls choose my over a dude who over 2″ bigger than me. No bs. Your dick isn’t what gives you value as a man. Not at all. Be a fuckin King.

    Edit: And im not talking 2” taller….well maybe that too. Haha

  8. Who gives a crap what they think! She chose you. She is with you. She wants you. That’s all that matters. They can piss off.

  9. Um…so I have been told many times that I date people who aren’t on my level of attractiveness, but the thing is, I’m dating them because I find them super hot. I have a thing for short, bald men. And I get that I have options, but I like what I like. I find my short, bald boyfriend irresistible, even if my friends think he’s meh. They don’t have to fuck him so I don’t care if they don’t think he’s sexy. But I look at him and I melt.

    Your girlfriend likes you for you. And being good in bed is no small complement as many men aren’t. But if you keep telling her that she’s too good for you, you might convince her that you don’t have enough self confidence to date her. Take her love as true and be happy.

  10. People like what they like even if it confuses the shit out of everyone around them. It sounds like she like you, your body and the way you fuck her. Try and focus on that.

  11. I’m a woman and am definitely significantly overweight. My husband tells me regularly how hot I am. I have a hard time getting that to match up with what I see in the mirror. Joining this subreddit and the Oops, That’s My Kink group on Facebook has really helped those images match up for me. Seeing someone post an illustration of a woman whose body is similar to mine and point out the areas I’m the least comfortable with as the specific parts that make them melt is really validating. Especially when the comments are full of other people agreeing. Being in those groups has also shown me a lot more bodies similar to mine in a sexy context. I can objectively look at the pictures and say “damn, they’re hot!” and “they look a lot like me”, thus by the transitive property (math nerd here 🙋🏼‍♀️), I can also be hot and sexy.
    That’s how I’m making progress on seeing my body that is becoming increasingly limited in functionality as desirable. I hope that helps.

  12. If you are 6’4″ and 300lb then you are fat, there isn’t another way to put it. Losing weight will help you a lot and being in denial isn’t going to help

  13. Looks is a pretty small thing in a LTR and in LTR attraction. And what do other people know about what attracts your GF to you or you to your GF? Nothing. At best they can guess from an partial picture.

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