So I’m a young guy and a lot of women lately have been mentioning if I have my own place and when they find out that I dont, it’s a turn off for them and it ends things. I’m curious, why does this matter so much for a hookup?

Edit: I don’t live with my parents. I have roommates

  1. Take it from a guy who doesn’t have his own place, it’s a lot more difficult to hook up when someone if your parents are there

  2. If you have your own place it shows that you are financially independent. Also you have access to a location to have sexy private time in without parents/family disrupting or being aware of private things the two of you get up to. A place that if a relationship develops then she could potentially move in with you.

  3. It used to be the case that if you had your life together you could have your own place and it showed that you were decently responsible and financially independent.

    But in the current housing market, I have friends in professional jobs who have to live with roommates in some cities. The lack of privacy that we as over privileged Westerners idolize even though it’s a total anomaly in all of human history is a problem. It’s an unfortunate side effect of the obscene cost of housing.

    It’s not fair, it sucks, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

  4. Honestly I don’t care whether we hook up at my place or his. But I can tell you flat out I’m not fucking in a room that shared a wall with their parents bedroom. I’m far too old for shit like that. But even when I was in my 20s, I wouldn’t have been uncomfortable with that. So if I didn’t have a private space for sex, then my partner would have needed to come up with one.

    It’s not a judegement about the socioeconomic status my potential sex partner occupies…its just about having enough privacy to get into the right mood and find the right headspace.

  5. I mean, I wouldn’t mind as long as you have your own room but I think it’s a huge age thing coming into play here. I’m a college student so as long as I have the privacy of a room I’m okay, considering I didn’t have that through highschool and my first two years of college. But if you’re older then the other comments sum it up. It shows independence, financial responsibility and just being more mature which most women want in a partner.

    Edit: Just read your post again slowly and if it’s a hookup, they’re probably just uncomfortable having sex in a place where other people could hear you. I wouldn’t care, I’d just keep it down but as people get older they want more privacy and once they’re used to hooking up in an absolutely private environment, it’s tough to go back to the roommate situation.

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