What is the meaning behind your username? (If there is one)

  1. I like TV pop culture stuff. Doug was one of my favorite cartoons growing up. Ergo… ^ ^

    I also used to have one based on my favorite movie (The Shawshank Redemption) that I stopped using for personal reasons.

    and I have one registered but not yet used based on a newer sitcom in case I ever need to abandon this one.

  2. See my PFP.

    Was a joke with some highschool friends and kinda just stuck

  3. It was my first forgotten realms character’s god, nothing special it’s just obscure enough that it’s usually unique.

  4. Far too many people type loose when they mean lose. They need to be called out.

  5. I lived in Brazil for a time. I lived in an apartment building with a center courtyard. During the summers, all the windows stay open in all the apartments. One day a couple on a floor down below, must’ve forgot to close their windows. They were going to pound town – hot and heavy. They were so loud it was echoing all around the courtyard and off the buildings – amplifying it. And then, all of a sudden it abruptly stopped and it was silence. I will never forget hearing a female voice say, and it echoed across the courtyard, “JA ACABOU?!?!?!” And I’ve been laughing about it ever since.

  6. First name of one of my favorite game characters and the last name of another.

  7. I got banned in league temporarily and I promised myself not to let my emotions control me and this is a reminder of that everytime I look at my name to stay calm no matter what happens in life, its the only way to make a smart decision

  8. Back when I was living with my parents and had no job, I was making a github account so I can make a portofolio and get a job as a programmer.

    I wanted to have a username that would sum what I am, something that would tell you instantly what I am about. Like, if you saw someone with a name like “FishLover88”, you’d know exactly what they’re about.

    And then it hit me that I’m leeching off my parents, freeloading and just a nuissance. I helped with chores whenever they needed to but I still felt very bad for the entire period I stayed with them. During that time I found a lot of issues with me, I discovered sides of people I loved that I didn’t wanted to see, it was rock bottom for a long while and I didn’t want to help me, I was comfortable suffering.
    I thought of myself as the lowest creature to exist which I think can be classified as a monster.

    But I also didn’t want it to be simply “TheWorstMonster”. It had to be somewhat subtle and better looking, I was fortunate enough to live in the cs 1.6 era where usernames like “fr34k”, “k1ll3r” or “y0urd00m” where very common and I liked them so “1337m0nst3r” was born.
    It’s pretty shitty to be honest, I half-hated it the second I made the account but I think it’s rather self-reflecting.

  9. I live in the country side and have a bunch of twisty roads that I tend to drive too quickly on. When friends ride with me they say I’m taking them on TheOllieTrollie.

  10. Two parts: One, a Dark Jedi is a fallen Jedi that I took from an old Star Wars role-playing game. Two, I wanted a name that sounded like a shot-nosed kid making a ridiculous boast. So, there ya go.

  11. I have *a lot* of fun at festivals and the people (but mostly women) I have fun with at those festivals belong use “papi” often

  12. Got mine from Reddit, kinda like it but thinking of editing it and avatar

  13. Yeah they just gave me this name when I signed up I don’t even know what the hell it means lol

  14. I was trying to type the name of the street I grew up on, misspelled it, and didn’t feel like changing it.

  15. I like to play rogues. We do it from behind XD Been using it since my WoW days.

  16. Mine is an accurate description. I’m typically more of an observer than participant, and there’s very little I really care about (aside from friends, family, my craft, and my art).

    I’m non-partisan, non-religious, skeptical of most things, and don’t need allegiance to any group for a sense of self.

    In short, I’m an indifferent witness.

  17. It’s Austrian German and means “Dude, come on”. Because that’s what I was thinking when I tried username after username after username when creating the account. Everything that came to my mind was taken – so it became “Dude, come on”.

  18. I could see that people had random usernames so I looked around the room for inspiration and saw the Xbox.

    Wish I had gone for something else ever since!

  19. This is my porn account. At least, it was meant to be.

    Erbium-Oxide would be ErO for short. I thought it was funny.

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