What’s the most amazing way fight your bully without actually being physical?

  1. There isn’t a better way than physically defeating them. The threat of physical violence is the most powerful enforcement human kind has.

  2. Leave the city. Find a kung-fu master that is not teaching anymore, convince him to teach you. Do the montage of training. When you will be ready come back and beat his ass.

  3. Look up George Hayduke. He’s got some tested options. Or so I’ve heard.

  4. Tell jokes and roast them back. I was bullied a little in middle school but I crawled out of my shell and people found me funny so no one bothered me like that in high school.

  5. I know a girl who managed to fend off a stalker who was following her by acting like a deranged psychopath (she walked and talked unnaturally or some shit). It worked and quickly alerted the people nearby.

  6. You need to find the post or video (I don’t remeber) about guy that was bullied and he bought pineapples. Then he was placing them in places where his bully was going for example in his locker, later on his way to home. But only in the places that his bully was going to see himself.

    And this guy by doing so made his bully scared of pineapples and whenever he saw one he was having a panick attack

  7. When i used to be in highschool my bullies would constantly bully me harass me, throw things at me and sometimes hurt me so what i did was

    In our woodworking class, id always get there super early and hide their wood or just destroyed parts of it and sometims id just take it when the teachers not their and throw their woodwork in the garbage which caused them to start over so many times

    Everytime they came to class they would carry on like little babies about ppl breaking their wood and this happened every single class 2 times a week for the entire last 3 years of highschool

    The reason why i chose this was because it was the 1 class they actually enjoyed and didnt clown around in
    And they never found out it was me because they would have probably bully me alot harsher if they knew

  8. Well, if you want it to stop you are going to need to confront them and make them feel small. So without physical violence, you are gonna need some Lex Luthor level mind games.

  9. Target them mentally and observe for other weaknesses. Such as friend groups or social hierarchy. In the wise words of Liam Neeson “there’s always a bigger fish.”

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