I’ve just reached the point where I feel unlovable and like it’ll never happen for me no matter what. I feel like some people get love and some don’t, like peanut allergies or blue eyes, and I happen to be one of the people who doesn’t. It makes me sad and idk how to fix it. Anyone meet someone after feeling like that?

  1. Sorry but no I haven’t. Then again, I am pretty much a homebody and have been one mostly. Time can slip by so quick. I am now 46 and have been single my whole life. To most women, that would probably make me a walking ‘red flag’. That in itself will likely ensure that I will be single for the rest of my life. It is what it is. I have moments of loneliness, but it passes and I try to stay focused on my hobbies that bring me happiness.

  2. Hi

    In 2012 I met a woman and I completely fell for her. We dated a few months and I made mistakes. Long story short, she broke up with me.

    I was devastated and felt like a wreck for at least a year. My personality changed.

    Eventually I got over her and met other women but it didn’t feel right, so I gave up.

    I was single for 6 years. In that timeframe I met a few women were I thought it could work but I didn’t want to be hurt again do I barely tried to connect with them.

    One day, a friend was on a dating app doing a live stream and as it looked fun, I suggested that I download it as well and that we have a competition: who has more viewers during a live stream.
    After that I completely forgot about the app and a few weeks later, after coming home completely drunk from a party, if saw the app and swiped the first 20 profiles to the whatever side yes is.

    Next day I got a message from one of the profiles. We did chat for a few days before meeting up.
    She was absolutely perfect for me and my situation back then. Loads of patience and understanding for what I went through.

    Our first dates were catastrophic. I accidentally smashed her phone out of her hands, didn’t pick up on signals she sent me and many other things…

    Anyways, in December we will have our 4th anniversary.

    In my eyes there are two solutions to get out of your situation:

    1. Just let life happen, like I did. Don’t force it and when you meet someone that seems right, be honest about how you feel.
    My current relationship taught me that communication is key.

    2. Use whatever you like to meet others. This will ensure that you will meet someone that shares at least one thing with you.
    Even if in that community there isn’t the right person for you, you will still meet potential new friends and maybe they know someone.

    I know that the whole being introduced to someone stuff can be very awkward, but if you have good friends and you trust them, try it.
    My best friends gf tried to introduce me to 3 of her single friends and even if I declined back then, I eventually met all 3 of them over the following years and I am pretty sure that it could have worked with 2 of them. Don’t discard that option.

    So yes, I have met someone after giving up and I am very happy now. It made me feel alive again.

    I wish that you will find the right person.

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