What are some things you’ll never forget about your first day of college?

  1. I don’t actually remember my first day of college. I’m not really even sure what to consider as my first day since I did a summer program for credit before 9th grade and was then in dual enrollment throughout high school spending some time on each campus for classes, going full-time in the summers, and then transferring to a new college after finishing the AA in the summer after graduating high school. I can vaguely recall looking for my class locations on some of my first days of some semesters, but beyond that, I don’t really remember my first days at college at all for any of the colleges/universities that I attended.

  2. I felt rejected and out of the loop since I didn’t take part in any freshmen hazing. All the cliques were already formed like it was still highschool.

  3. I met a girl in my dorm named Katie. We decided to explore Austin. It was the middle of August, so it was very hot. We walked so much on that insanely hot pavement that I wore a hole through the bottom of one of my shoes.

  4. the fight I had with my parents during move in

    Zero memories of the first day of class specifically. I remember my first semester classes, but 20+ years on, the days aren’t really separable.

  5. I remember meeting my randomly-assigned roommate for the first time and thinking “buckle up”.

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