Hi everyone, I hope your day is going great and if is not I hope it gets better.

Im a 21 years old male and recetly im starting to have feeling for a colleague of mine. The problem is that si is 4 years older then me and I think that may be a turn off for her.

The thing is this girl is different, she has most of the things I look for in a women. She is conffindent, upfront, straightfoward, funny, and omg her voice when she sings is incredible, and lets not forget the eye contact. I really like looking people in their eyes when they speak and most of the time they look way time to time, but her, wow she keeps looking and talking till she finishes what she wants to say.

I always been the type of person who couldn’t create feelings for someone, you know just seeing someone you like and then forgeting about them days later. But god there is something different about her something idk.

  1. I say at least ask maybe she doesn’t mind the age difference and she may be the one for you but I know from experience if you don’t ask her you might regret you never asked her

  2. Ask her out. I don’t think age difference really matters to women in today’s world in general plus if she’s confident, outgoing and fairly open minded then that wouldn’t really be a concern to her. Be open about your feelings. If she reciprocates then it would be perfect!

  3. U making assumptions for no reason. Man up and just ask her out. You only live once. Its better to get a firm answer from her than to keep stressing yourself thinking about her

  4. I’d say consider this in a scientific outlook and point out what hobbies and common likes and dislikes you have.

    If your personalities blend well and you get along, then she will most likely say yes.

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