What is something that you did today that increased your account balance? Wether it’s by a few dollars or a couple hundred.

  1. I worked. My head hurts. Now I’m having a 2 hours train ride ahead of me. Yeehaw.

  2. Nothing. I’m off-fucking all month. Spending like a drunken sailor. ‘Course I AM a sailor, and I’ve actually been a bit drunk several times.

  3. Sold one of the boats for more than I payed for it.

    Super easy to just sit on stuff and make money seasonally if you have the space and know-how but this was more to appease the wife who says I can’t have more stuff because we are out of space. Bah.

  4. I at work, half the office called in sick because of the heat so I’m going to make bookoo overtime, and work on my tan plus get a good work out in while getting 50 bucks an hour.

  5. Sold some stocks and some LEAPs (long-term stock options). Cleared a few grand after taxes.

  6. Mowed my neighbor’s back yard for him, (1.2 acres) he paid me $20.00, his mower’s in the shop.

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