Assuming the chemistry was sufficiently bubbling, would I be doing myself a disservice if I were not to?

I’ve had an instance where going for it prematurely seemed to ruin the rapport a bit, and times where she told me that she didn’t think I was interested because I didn’t try to kiss her.

Are there a lot of women out there who aren’t comfortable with a kiss on the first date regardless of how nice it may have been?

And if you kiss, should you try to go further or leave it at that?

That is when you’re looking for a longer term relationship not just a hookup

  1. Delay the kiss as long as you possibly can. That’ll get her hooked

  2. I personally wouldn’t go for a first kiss unless the chemistry was insane.

    Just go in slow, and see where her eyes look and how the tension is built in. Watch her body language, but I really don’t feel like it’s a big deal to not kiss on the first date.

  3. If the date went well, I would usually lean in for a kiss as we’re parting ways.

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