I am a 22 yo man. Tomorrow, I am going on a date with this beautiful woman I met on plenty of fish. We plan toy have lunch and hang at my pool. This is my first date (yes, I haven’t been on any dates before) and I want to make the best first impressions. My family will be with me so it’s not just the two of us. I plan to spend all day with her. I just need some pointers for how to behave.

  1. Honestly if you have family that you know will fuck you over have a talk with them cause I’m seeing someone atm and won’t let a group of my mates know who cause I know what they’re like

  2. Just be yourself! If you dont have a good time by just being you, then you know it’s not a good match.

    I will say, pool dates can be a little intimidating to people who usually do their hair or makeup for dates, so dont be judgemental if she doesnt wanna dive in the water or anything.

    Also note that your/her body will be more on display at a pool, so it may lead her to feel a little more shy or reserved (but that totally depends on the individual and how confident they are).

    She may be intimidated by your fam being there, too, so be kind!

    A pool date is fun and there should be plenty to do, but be flexible if she suggests that she may wanna grab a bite to eat somewhere or something.

    Have a great time! Dates should be fun, so don’t stress – enjoy yourself!

  3. If it were me I would change plans to do something where you two will have privacy and not be near your family. That’s a lot of pressure to have to meet and interact with somebody’s family on a first date.

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