When was the first time you got rejected by someone you liked and how did it go down?

  1. 7th grade. She taped a tamoin on my back in the hallway and later I got ridiculed in History class.

  2. It hurt like hell, but it made me grow as a person, after a day i could see why it wouldn’t have worked out

  3. I wrote a letter to a girl that said “M loves Niki!” She said, “don’t let it read Niki loves M or anyone like M.

  4. 10. Told her I had a crush on her. She laughed, kicked me in the nuts, and started running around the playground telling everyone and pointing at me.

  5. I had my first real crush in 7th grade. I talked to her a bit, but i was too scared to ask her out. My friend, despite my wishes, asked her out for me.

    She said no, which was fine. The problem was after lunch, she wasn’t in class. Weird, but maybe she had to do something. But then the next day she wasn’t at school either. Or the next, or the next.

    No one ever saw her again. Her friends didn’t know what happened. I don’t even know if she’s alive. Ive heard rumors she still lives in the area.

    Got bullied for it. Everyone said I scared her away because I was so gross and repulsive. Pretty traumatizing.

  6. It hurt a lot. Took time out from dating (a couple of months)

    Self reflection. Looked at ways to better myself.

    Then back out there (Dating)

  7. It felt like the sky was falling. After that I threw a celibate tantrum for 3 years. It was a stunning waste of time when I could’ve been banging other stuff.

  8. A year ago, I grew close to an online group of friends, and there was a girl in my age range that I chatted with and play games with. One day I called her on Discord in private and told her how I felt. I know I’m a good-looking guy, so my chances were pretty good, but she said, “I’m flattered, but I don’t think it will work” I lived two states away from her, but I had unlimited free flights, and I told her that I would go see her multiply times a week.

    It didn’t work; I got rejected. She was the first girl Ihave ever liked until that point, so it hurt a little bit. One thing to consider is that she had a down falling with her ex, and they had to break up out of nowhere. She loved the guy, so it was hard on her. I didn’t tell her about my feelings for her until about eight months after the break-up, so I felt it was appropriate.

  9. It was roughly 7 years ago and I have stopped all contact with that person and she’s wondering why. I just can’t get over her and the only way to heal is for me to stop thinking about her.

  10. I asked her out, she said no and I then said “understood, have a nice day.”

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