29M im soon 30, i have a skinny tall body with a face of a 21year old, no matter what i do i dont get fat or bigger or having a look to cope with my age. Growing a beard gives me a creepy look and working out doesnt make me big either. At gym most people think im 21or young, to worse this i have a behavior of a younger teen too. Im unemployed single and i have no responsibility in life, im so naive amd childish said by many people, simply anyone can decieve me or cut me off and move away with it. I mean im so childish for my age, and when im with my same age people i can see im so different than them, im lacking guts and other manly bro traits like them. Even girls have tell me to dont be babyish or childish. But i dont know how to be so mature for my age, im shrinking and act like a teenager now, i can’t believe people my age are dads now, i mean my whole life i just fly through without any maturity for my age, what should i do?

  1. I only have one paragraph to go off of but it sounds like you need to grow up, friend. I act like a child and have childish interests (Star Wars, comic books, etc) but I’m lucky enough to be with a woman who is just as ridiculous. Maybe its time to reinvent yourself. If you’re not getting any bigger at the gym, I’d wager you need to modify your workout. I’d also get some sun. Nothing ages you like the firey cancer ball in the sky. Most importantly, I’d get out there and try to make some friends. Male friends. Find some bros and learn from their behavior. Don’t base your entire personality on trying to find a woman. I know it sounds easier said than done, but get out thete and meet some people. Don’t let failure discourage you.

  2. You should be happy about looking young. Focus on your communication skills, body language and knowledge. Don’t worry about gaining weight, 30 is the mark when you will have to actively try staying in shape 😀

  3. I’m 41 and look like I’m late 20s.
    When I was in my 20s the highschool bus stopped for me thinking I was a student, I was just taking the trash out.

    It bothered me as far as being taken seriously but now I’m just grateful

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