Let me just start by saying I don’t like porn. I never have, and I don’t see the difference between watching porn and watching people have sex through their window. If your husband watched girls get naked through a window on the regular, more than he had sex with you, would you be okay with that?

My husband is addicted to porn, the same way that some people are addicted to drugs or alcohol. We both view it as cheating, but he will not stop. Addiction is not simple, I know, but he won’t attempt to stop himself with coping mechanisms or anything. He cheats on me multiple times a week, just about every time he gets the chance, just for fun.

It’s devastating emotionally- I feel so unloved and discarded. He’s working on keeping these comments to himself, but he has compared me to other people/made negative comments about my body many times. I spend a lot of evenings just being depressed. I’ve had panic attacks over feeling like maybe the husband I JUST MARRIED ABOUT SIX MONTHS AGO doesn’t really care about me as a person, I cry all the time and he has not changed his behavior at all (actually, it’s gotten worse). He says he doesn’t think about consequences before he looks.

I want to move out (I think), but how? I make $15/hr and my town has a shit housing market, everything is so expensive. And how am I supposed to be alone? I have one friend in this town I’ve hung out with a couple times and that’s it. Plus, what will people think of the 23 year old that ended one former engagement (abuse), and left her husband a few months after the wedding?

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

  1. Man I’m sorry for all you are going through.

    Is it possible to rent a room ? A lot of time house sharing is much less expensive.

  2. First off no one will look down on you for having failed relationships, if anything they will be happy those relationships didn’t work because now you’re able to be with them now.

    As for the tough part, getting out and making it on your own,.. room mates? Distant relatives?

    Good luck to you.

  3. >I want to move out (I think), but how?

    Maybe find a roommate or two?

    >And how am I supposed to be alone?

    Maybe the roomates can help start that process of not being alone.

    >what will people think of the 23 year old that ended one former engagement (abuse), and left her husband a few months after the wedding?

    Who cares what other people think? Besides, if you are this miserable, you should be at least as worried about what people think of staying is a situation you so obviously hate.

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