My boyfriend talks to his friends all day on discord when he’s on his computer. I don’t mind that , what I do mind is that it’s a group of 5+ men and one female. I wouldn’t feel so upset about it but every time we’re with his friends they always bring up something about her being attractive etc. I feel like it’s weird she’s even in the discord and if only she knew the stuff I’ve heard about her. It’s disgusting. I feel like my boyfriend probably would start saying stuff too if I wasn’t there. I’m just over it and I hate hearing her voice over the headphones it’s so loud and cringey. I would be absolutely upset if he talks to her 1/1 when I’m not there. I feel like I can’t bring anything up without him getting upset. I know he would be fuming if I was talking to a “guy friend”. He’s said guys and girls can’t be friends because the guy always has bad intentions

  1. Are you upset that there’s a girl in the group chat or upset that he would potentially talk to her 1-1

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