I’m a 21 year old male and throughout my whole dating life I’ve always attracted women 2-4 years younger than me and every girl my age that I was interested in was either unavailable or I was friendzoned. I’d also like to mention that most people say I don’t look my age anyway. They always say o look younger. I just wanna know what it is about me that attracts younger women that’s all

  1. Women are typically attracted mostly to men older than them.

    If you end up finding a place where older women like younger men, let me know 😂

  2. Girls just tend to like older guys in my experience. Atleast that’s what I’ve seen, not saying all of them, but yeah, I’m turning 20 in a month, only girls that have ever been attracted to me were like 18 yo, or someone who just turned 19, but mainly 18 yo. Then anyone my age, or slightly older, always date people older than them. Never realized it until my sister pointed it out and said that’s how it usually is.

    Which sucks big time, cause I’ve had so many crushes on girls older than me, but because I’m younger, never goes anywhere

  3. Confidence mostly, without knowing more. The older women get the more they are interested in such a thing.

    While it’s true women are attracted to men slightly older than them, that’s less true at 21. It becomes more common in their late 20s, at least now days.

  4. Usually this has to do with maturity, or the perception of it.

    When I’ve had trouble attracted women my own age it’s usually because they had already emotionally or mentally surpassed me in some respect and the men they wanted were a few years ahead of me.

    Their assessment of me might have been wrong but that doesn’t really matter, my appearance or the impression I gave wasn’t mature enough for them.

  5. I’ve had the same experience. The downside is the difference in life goals and experience. It can be tough to date with an age gap of even a couple years in your 20s.

  6. If I look around me, it is usually indeed that women like older men. I am more an exception because I prefer people that are a bit younger, so I am not surprised in your case

  7. That’s because women your age date men 24 years or older. It’s nothing you’re doing or your age. It’s just biology. I remember thinking the same as you too! It works out when you’re 25+ anyway. When I was 21 my gf was 19 and thats how it was in my group of friends as well. 21-22 with 18-20 yr olds.

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