We work in different teams but we’re occasionally in the same meetings. We’re both hybrid so I only see her about once a week, even that from just across the hall sometimes.

I do feel attracted to her but only want to be comfortably friends with her instead of asking her out and making it awkward. I’m usually comfortable joking and making friends with other colleagues but can’t be my usual self around her. I just want to get to know her without forcing awkward conversations.

What would be the best course of action that could help us get to know each other better?

TlDr: cute girl at the office in a different team. How do I get to know her without being creepy?

  1. you’re already being creepy with the plan of pretending to be her friend when you want to fuck her. stop being a pussy and ask her out.

  2. It kind of sounds like you plan to fake a friendship with her in order to ultimately get a relationship out of it, which I don’t think is cool. I think step one is really asking if friendship is what you really want or is it something romantic? Don’t lead her on.

    But to answer your question, the way to get to know her is the way you would get to know anybody. Make it a point to greet her. Make small conversation before / after /during the meeting about little things. I have found it pretty easy to forge a bond with people at work during meetings over our shared little annoyances / pet peeves about the meeting. People like to feel like you ‘get’ them and like you feel what they are feeling too. A comment like “don’t you just hate having to sit through a 30 minute meeting for something that could have been an email” can get a good chuckle out of her and be a conversation starter.

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