Let me start with the fact that I am a 19 year old female with a boyfriend of 21, and we have been together for almost 2 years. I’m straight.

My sex life with my boyfriend is okay. He loves me and he tries to make me cum. It doesn’t always work out but that’s normal. But last night I had a dream about a girl friend of mine and we were having sex…. What does this mean? Should I be exploring my other side or??

  1. Dream don’t have to mean anything.. Or if may mean something else..
    It may mean you’re bi-curious, or that you’d like to have more pleasure with your partner (you can communicate, work on that together)..

    Only you can answer that..

  2. I’m bi-curious and have a boyfriend. I get sexual dreams about all genders. Sometimes it’s as weird as one second it’ll be my boyfriend and the next it’s a girl. Dreams don’t necessarily mean much. Don’t worry about it. If you and your partner are okay with exploring, go ahead. Just communicate well.

  3. For years my wife often told me that she fantasized about being with a woman. She had some offers throughout our early marriage, but, turned them down. One day she met a woman through work who she wanted to take up her offer. While I was reluctant to let her pursue this fantasy, the thought of her with a woman did turn me on. After a few weeks of thinking about it I let her pursue her fantasy. They went out several times and she told me she liked most aspects of it and that she is now open to a FFM threesome if I so desire.

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