How do you say you need space but nicely?

  1. You break up, because you’re just saying I want to be able to do what I want but still have you just in case.

  2. What do you mean? Space like a break from a relationship or space like someone’s up your ass the whole day and you want alone time?

  3. “PLEASE F*** off. ” 😁

    Seriously though, I don’t. This is my life, I don’t need someone else to be ok with it.

  4. You don’t need to be nice about it. I just tell my wife I’m going out to the garage. I told her when we first started dating that I need alone time. It’s a heck of alot easier to just explain your needs early on.

  5. “I’m not available this week, but I’ll catch up with you later.”

  6. My bf says: I need some me-time now.

    I give him a kiss and leave (the room or I go to my place, depending on how much space he needs). Everyone needs some me-time. He’ll contact me when he’s ready. I tell him the same thing if needed.

  7. I need to get back to my wife for some time, but I’ll be back soon.

  8. I’m going to fuck some other guy and I will be back in the morning. Just kidding. Just say I need some alone time.

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