Godd aftermoon to everybody, I now that this question is kinda silly (and maybe very dumb) because I know that the chances that getting pregnant from this way is almost zero, but is good to read some other opinions and see if someone thinks in other way, but lets go: tonight I had sex with my girlfriend and she was doing oral on me, after she has finished, a little drop of semen dripped on my groin, she licked it, and after this, I untentionally I touched this part that she licked with my fingers, then after that, I put my finger inside her to masturbate her, today morning we were talking to each other and she was kinda worried about it, I told her to not worry because the sperms were exposed to the air and also to her spittle, but she is at her fertile period, is there something that I can say to calm her down? Thanks for you all!

  1. Ridiculously low chance of pregnancy from that

    That being said, there’s probably better odds of her getting pregnant from you two doing PIV (penis in vagina) sex while using a condom AND her being on birth control.

  2. Really low. However exposing semen to air does automatically sterilize it as an FYI.

  3. Go to a drugstore, buy a pregnancy test, take it home, use it, and then you’ll know for sure.

    But yeah, please be a little more careful. It’s not that she’ll get pregnant every time, it’s that the consequences if does are so drastic, that you want to be serious here.

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