She broke up with me twice, for the same reason, which I guess was unavoidable. We come from different religious sects so her parents threatened to disown her if we continued further.

Although I’m in a good place now and over our relationship I don’t want to continue being friends with her. There are moments I remember from our relationship which were painful – her rejecting me twice, saying she could convince her parents, comparing me to others, wanting me to be a specific way. I just can’t look past these anymore.

We’ve spent a lot of time together the past few weeks at the library revising for exams but through it all I just didn’t want to be with her. It felt like it was just because it was familiar and comfortable but it then also makes me feel like I haven’t moved on. Saying this out loud I feel so terrible because she’s acted the same as she used to when we were friends before dating. But now it feels like we have an unrecoverable friendship.

It’s more difficult to navigate this since we have the same friends group and live in the same place. Any advice?

1 comment
  1. Part of transitioning into adulthood is realizing that “friend groups” are bullshit. They’re for kids. Focus on maintaining relationships with individuals, not groups. Groups generally brainwash and bully individuals over time.

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