Hi guys, me (19M) and my girlfriend (18F) had an conversation about missing each other in the day that we cant be together, and she said she wouldnt miss me until 4 or 5 data without seeing me, and it got me a little bit down because I miss her everyday and when we dont get to see each other I get very sad and feel like my day was a wasted time and I just sit and wait feeling lonely until I see her

And in the other hand, if she dont get to see me she just be like “Oh okay, lets try to see each other tomorrow” or “But we saw each other this week, It doesnt need to be everyday” like it doesnt mean too much if she saw me or no, and it gets me frustrated to be the only one that gets hit by it. Any advices on my case?

Tl;Dr: My girlfriend doesnt miss me on a day-to-day basis like I miss her, and I dont know why

  1. >I dont know why

    It’s because you’re different people with different needs and she isn’t as clingy as you are. She is able to entertain herself and not dwell on the absence which is healthy. Sounds like you could use a little counseling to learn to be more independent during your time apart.

  2. Most people wouldn’t miss someone they saw 5 days in a row on the 6th day. You see each other more than you don’t. There is no time for her to miss you.

  3. “My girlfriend is mature and not needy or clingy and I don’t know how to deal with it.”

    It’s way more important for you to figure out why you can’t be content by yourself than it is for you to understand why she isn’t exactly the same as you.

  4. You need to see another girl that fills your needs, she isnt wrong for the way she thinks but she isnt the one for you

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