If you had the world’s attention for 60 seconds, what would you say?

  1. You don’t have to go along with an opinion/belief because it’s popular

  2. I still remember all of you who “borrowed” my school supplies and waiting for it to be returned.

  3. We need to stop giving all of our love, money and attention to the rich and powerful people who don’t even give us a second thought. We need to stop supporting those who hurt others and stop silently complying with the status quo. We all need love and safety, so let’s give our peace to one another.

  4. That older-generation conservative/right capitalist attitudes have become a generational wealth transfer _from_ millenials and zoomers _to_ them, and to call for a general strike of all people who have dependent children, disallowing their parents and grandparents from seeing or accessing the children, until the older generation members believably demonstrate they will support and vote for politicians who push for universal health care, meaningful parental leave (not just maternity), universal LGBTQIA+ rights, and women’s abortion rights. Until then, no visiting or talking to the grandkids.

    Basically, calling for a Generational [_Lysistrata_](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata)-like strike.

  5. We need real consequences for the bad people in the world. The ones who harm others, ruin innocent lives and commit horrible crimes

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