EDIT: Seems like my post was a little ambiguous but i what i really meant what in general, how important is an outfit for you, whenever you go out. be it work, date, movies, anything and why is it important.

  1. Important for the occasion. If I’m going to a wedding or a social event, I want to be attired appropriately. Other than that though? I work from home, so ratty sweats and a tshirt suits me just fine.

  2. Depends on where I’m going/event. If I’m just going to the grocery then I usually don’t care on what I wear, however if it’s a date/ family event then I try to dress up.

  3. i always choose comfort over looks. doesn’t matter where i’m going, i’m gunna be comfy lol. that said i can still be comfy & look cool too

  4. It’s important in the sense that if I think I look good then I feel good.

  5. Usually, very important! I like expressing myself with my look and feel more confident when I’ve put myself together in a way that reflects “me.” I have several statement accessories that usually get compliments and invite conversation and I enjoy that. I’m a creative person and feel more alive when that’s reflected in my outfit, hair and makeup.

    That said, it’s hot as balls right now and I find myself dressing down to be more comfortable. I believe in dressing for myself. It’s 107 F today, so my look is “hot mess” and my statement pieces are boob sweat and a giant flask of ice water.

  6. My outfits reflect how I feel or WANT to feel. If I’m feeling down, but want to cheer myself up, I’ll put extra thought into an outfit that I feel good and look exceptionally good in.

    Outfits can encourage a certain mood and project a part of myself I want to highlight (ie: casual and relaxed, fun and flirty, muted and serious, etc). Work outfits are typically neutrals and basics because I want people to pay attention to what I’m saying and not be distracted by what I’m wearing.

    Depending on the occasion and if I think I will be photographed in an outfit, I’ll also be mindful of that. I was at a friend’s party recently and dressed in my friend’s aesthetic. As a result, our photos looked like we “naturally” coordinated.

    What I wear is always important to me in that it feels good to me…whether that’s physically, visually, mentally and/or emotionally.

  7. Extremely important. I want to look my best regardless where I go. It sets a good impression for everyone that you take care of yourself. Of course sometimes I may not have time so I at least do the bare minimum.

  8. For me it’s mostly about comfort and how I’m feeling that day. My clothes have to be aligned with my mood/vibe that day otherwise I feel super weird and uncomfortable. I don’t know how to explain it lol but from the color, to the style, to the fabric and fit I can be very particular about what feels right in a weird sensory way. For example I can’t plan out a week of clothes for a trip “this day I’ll wear this, then next day this” I have to have a variety just in case!

    My style is very eclectic, thrift store inspired. One day I look like I live on a country homestead in floral dress and the next I could be in sleek black and red modern city slicker attire and then a hippie whose been at a festival and then a professional fitness instructor.

    I don’t care much how I look to others as long as I feel like whatever me is happening that day! Of course for a wedding or special event I dress appropriately

  9. I’d say it depends on the location and type of event!

    I get dressed up a little nicer if I’m going out on a Friday night vs any other day of the week!

    I’m huge on shoes so I always try to pick my shoes and then make an outfit 😂

  10. If im out and about running a quick errand or two – imma look like a tolerable version of People Of Walmart. I don’t want anyone to approach me or even make small talk and looking like you just woke up kind of ensures that.

    If im going out with friends (or alone) to eat, watch a movie, go to the mall, walk around during nice weather – Gonna put on something cute and if im really feeling it and want to be pretty for myself, ill put on very light makeup. Any compliments that come my way are a bonus.

  11. Very important. I don’t enjoy looking like I’ve given up on life (outside of my home, at home and alone is a different story). I don’t wear makeup but I put thought into my outfits and accessories, and I always do my best to tame my stupid curls in some way.

  12. Depending on where I’m going but I will say I always put in effort, I’m not the type of person that can go outside in my PJs (not that there is anything wrong with that) I’m just not comfortable.

    It also depends on my mood some days I’ll go all natural others I’m going full on drag queen 👑

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