sometimes idk how i (26f) fell into it but basically there was some pseudo science in a random corner of the internet that said if your partner holds your soft dick while you sleep it releases more dopamine in your brain and helps you sleep better? so somehow i became a person who provided these services. our sessions literally just involve me disrobing and hoping into bed and we’ll just have pillow talk and wait until the J is sleepy then i just lightly grab their cock? lol then they sleep like that? the person who organizes my clientele has them so well settled that they never try to even do anything else. they are genuinely into the “benefits” of the skin to skin contact and whatever they get out of my just holding onto their softy. it’s kinda adorable when i think about it. but now i have a fetish for it so i’m ruined i guess lol.

  1. That sounds fantastic honestly, I can imagine your clients get so much out of it and I think you’re providing a wonderful service.

  2. That sounds amazing. How has the fetish ruined the rest of your sex life? Do you sleep all night with J?

  3. Thank you for sharing!! I love learning about niche kink/kink-adjacent sex work, and I had absolutely zero idea about this one beforehand. What a nice gig 🙂

  4. Sometimes when my wife is playing big-spoon during early morning snuggles, she’ll reach around and gently cup my balls and / or gently grasp my dick. Which I’ll admit, does sometimes create a chubby… as we drift in and out of sleep I go soft, and then will sleep very soundly for the rest of the morning.

    It’s just really nice, and I’d probably pay for that service.

  5. I mean, when my SO and I sleep together (we live apart but spend weekends together) she 100% does this. After our sessions she likes to hold onto me while I’m still hard and have her and it fall asleep essentially at the same time lol. I don’t find a benefit to us sleeping like that but she says she sure does. To the point now where even if we haven’t had sex she wants to hold onto my soft guy while we fall asleep together.

    I guess my long way of saying you’re not the only one with the fetish lol

  6. My wife does this to me almost all the time. Although, she’s the one that ends up sleeping better off of it. I’m just happy that she’s spoons ME when she does this, lol

  7. This makes total sense to me. My wife (67f) and I (64m) do something similar. We cuddle naked every night before sleep with me being the big spoon, and I reach between her legs and gently hold her cunt, not doing anything stimulating, just flat palm holding it. It’s hugely comforting to both of us and does help us sleep.

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