Throwaway account because my ex uses Reddit more than I do. For starters me ( 23M ) and my ex girlfriend ( 23F )dated off and on since 2018. However last year in October I did cheat on her ( it wasn’t physical but cheating is still cheating ) and it basically ruined everything. I do regret being unfaithful to her and part of me feels like none of this would’ve happened if I didn’t cheat but hindsight is 20/20.

The cheating brought tons of negative feelings and emotions towards me from her ( she even said I was the worse person she ever dated and how much she truly hates me for hurting her ). I tried everything in my power to make things right and eventually we talked everything out and agreed to work things out between us. She eventually forgave me and we got back together in March and it seemed like everything was going back to normal. However two weeks ago she broke up with me randomly saying how her feelings no longer felt the same and that she was no longer in love me.

This caught me be surprise because she wasn’t giving much of a indication that she felt this way. She asked if we could remain friends and I agreed because I wasn’t sure what to do in the moment. Fast forward a week and now she’s in a relationship with a mutual friend of ours. She told me how she’s so much happier now which is good for her but she still talks to me all day everyday as if we didn’t break up until about night time. I’ve come to realize that I still have very strong feelings for her. I’ve told her this over the phone a few days ago and she basically said that it’s over for me and her but she still wants us to be close friends.

So I guess my question is what does she truly want from me? Does she truly want to be friends because she still calls me and wants to talk to me all day but gets seriously annoyed when I tell her she should talk to her boyfriend instead. I guess I just can’t understand why would somebody want to be friends with someone they claimed hurt them so bad and hated so much

Edit* I typed this a few days ago but we ended up getting into an argument yesterday because I suggested she should play video games with her boyfriend instead of me when she asked. She blocked me on all social media and to my surprise I woke up with a text message from asking if I wanted to hang out with her today. I’m so confused.

1 comment
  1. By cheating on her, you broke the relationship vase.
    No matter how much you try to repair this vase, there will always be cracks on it.

    You fucked up. She will never trust you the same way again.
    Move on.

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