My gf made a bet with her friend on me cancelling my plans to visit her for Easter (she bet that I would cancel). Is this okay or is this a red flag/line crossed?

For context: we’ve been together for 4 months and 2 months ago she flew to my house because I live in a tourist area. She asked me a while ago if I wanted to really “meet the parents” for Easter, and at the time I said I wanted to but that I didn’t think I could. A couple weeks ago she randomly sprang the agenda on me and told her how much money I owed her, all to my surprise and discomfort. I told her today that I really couldn’t go with her (sincere health issues that I’ve had appointments scheduled for for months) and she reacted badly, then threw in my face that she had just ‘won 5 dollars’. Is this an okay thing to do? I’m not around people in relationships that often (all girls school) and I just don’t know what’s normal.

  1. Someone who makes plans without getting input from you, and then expects you to pay for said plans, is definitely not someone I would want to be in a relationship with. In my opinion that’s a bit too controlling. I’m not a fan of the term red flag, as I feel it’s a bit over used on these subs but yes, I guess you could call this a red flag.

  2. What she did was toxic and hurtful.

    And also, perhaps she did what she did because you’re not a very reliable partner.

  3. After only 4 months and shes doing stuff like this? I’d dump her. You don’t need her games or her manipulation.

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