It’s either a peck on the lips or a wide open mouth with his tongue plunged into my mouth just going in circles aggressively. I hate how he kisses. It turns me off so bad. Help!

  1. “Hey, maybe you should try it this way. I think I would like that.”

    Simple 😀

  2. ” Hey babe, I wanna try a different way of kissing. I heard about it and I’m curious. Just follow my lead ” * after you’ve shown him how you’d like to be kissed * “that was really nice actually” done.

  3. You don’t tell him he’s a bad kisser, teach him how to be a good kisser

    This is important to YOU, and YOU have set the standard for what YOU consider acceptable

    So YOU need to take the lead here to get what YOU want

  4. Constructive criticism and clear instruction.

    “Hey there sexy, I want you to [technique], [give him a taste of what you just said] I love that so much”

  5. >**It’s either a peck on the lips or a wide open mouth with his tongue plunged into my mouth just going in circles aggressively.** I hate how he kisses.

    Um, I think that sounds rather nice…

    Maybe you guys are sexually incompatible!

  6. I’ll ask what I did to get my male SO to change his style from darty weird kissing to slow and sensual. He said one day, “ I’ve got to learn how to kiss you.” and he pulled a perfect 180 immediately. I’m grateful bc bad kissing is a turn off.

  7. Don’t tell them that they suck. Unless you’re looking to twist the knife while breaking up.

    Tell them what you want.

  8. My strategy was to say nothing for several years, marry her, have some kids, and then tell her when she was good and confident that I wasn’t going anywhere.

  9. Practice your kissing on his member and he won’t care he is a bad kisser lmao

  10. My SO straight out told me that she didn’t like the way I kissed her. Sure it sucks at first, but the journey we went on to discover each other’s ( sexual) likes and dislikes made up for it big time.

  11. Yea you might as well get a new partner…my question is after the first kiss, why didn’t you walk away?

  12. By telling them which will hurt their feelings but let them know that you really want to show them how to do it and then start kissing them (and continue to have kissing sessions with them to make sure it sticks)

  13. Just train him simple
    U:Hey let kiss you
    Him;Don’t kiss back

    U;Now kiss me

    U(in your heart);Excellent 🥲

  14. Tell him what you like and if he does something you don’t like telling this instead. Or I like this technique better.
    If he doesn’t change he doesn’t care.

  15. Just tell him you want to experiment with different types of kissing. There are videos that show different types of kisses. Watch a video together and try to recreate some of them 😊 – if I want something done differently, I usually say something like “babe let’s try kissing a little softer – I think I’d like that” – or something along those lines 😊

  16. my ex used to kiss like a dead fish when we first started dating and I kept quiet about it for a bit. I tried to tell her subtly but she knew she was bad at it lol. I gave her some pointers on what to do and what I like and she got really good at it “with lots of pracrice lol”. she blew my mind every time afterwards till our breakup.
    so just be straight up about it and tell him what you’d like him to do and try.

  17. If it were me, I’d want to know. I can’t fix problems I don’t know about.

  18. Tell him exactly how you like to be kissed. Maybe his previous partner liked it that way. Guide him to your preference, we’re not mind readers.

  19. just tell him you don’t like how he kisses. feelings don’t matter to us because a guy will always try to “fix” it by learning more about how he should do it. feedback is important even when it’s bad. BUT try to tell him how you would like to be kissed. everybody is different and you’ll always have to experiment to find the sweet spot in the relationship.

  20. I’m not ashamed to say I’ve kissed a lot of boys over the years. The majority were bad at it. If no one corrects them, then presumably they’ll stay that way. I just say, “Let me show you a different way of kissing.” I find a lot folks are actually turned on by a little instruction.

  21. Instead of complaining about it, why don’t you teach him?!
    Help him improve. Complaining about it doesn’t solve the issue.

  22. Not sure how important kissing is to you, how strongly you feel about your partner, or how invested you are in the relationship, but this would be a deal-breaker for me if it didn’t improve soon.

    If great kissing is critical to your romantic/sexual satisfaction in the relationship, you should have an honest conversation with him.

  23. I have been married for 35 years this year My wife told me a few months ago she wish I would kiss every now ant then another way and. She showed me for the next hour. I kept asking her to let me do it again to make sure I got it right. She giggled ever time . We are 66

    Ever since she asked for me to do that way, I do it for her

    Men and boys are trainable. He might be kissing you the way another women taught him the way she likes it. Just imagine after you teach him tha,t maybe you can teach him a few more things you like. What a concept.

  24. I mean if you dont say anything why would he change it. Tell him how you want it, he cant read your mind.

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