So my bf(18m) and i (19f) are doing long distance due to us being in the military. recently i’ve noticed he’s been getting irritated when we are on the phone together and i asked him what’s wrong. he explained that he just had a bad day and everyone was bothering him. so i asked if i was bothering him and he said yes. he also said he needs “alone time” which i understand but i’m not sure how to interrupt what he said. i’m trying to give him space by not texting him throughout the day.
to be honest i’m not sure what advice i’m looking for but if someone has been through this before lmk

1 comment
  1. I’m not your boyfriend so I can’t speak for him, nor have I been in your situation.
    But I can relate to getting irrationally upset and pissy during phonecalls. There’s a chance he just really doesn’t want to talk on the phone with you, not necessarily that he doesn’t want to talk to you.

    I’ve got to have a certain level of preparedness when I talk to people sometimes. Normally, seeing them in person is enough to prep me so I don’t get put off by the interaction.

    He’s (and I am when I do it) certainly being a dick if I’m right. It’s just something he’s got to work on personally. However, a relationship is a collaborative effort. Maybe you can help by suggesting a regularly scheduled time in which you guys call. Even if you just talk about your days. A little communication goes a long way.

    That’s what would help me not get annoyed by the calls.

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