My goal for today was to take my earphones out and try to talk to (or at least have a small interaction with) **at least one person per store.**

I’m technically supposed to be working during this time lol (WFH) but I keep myself active on my phone and carry my laptop around with me for when I need to jump back on.

I first started going into stores where I knew the staff would come approach me first.
When they’d ask if I need any help, I’d just use a jokey response “nah don’t mind me, I’m just really busy skiving from work right now.”

Usually it would get a laugh, but if the girls were bored/chatty they’d stay and chat with me. A lot of makeup store employees are hot, so it felt good to comfortably talk to them without having a purpose at all other than just conversing.

After that sort of warmup, I’d felt energised enough to observe and strike up a conversation with anyone, just by getting into the right mindset and flow.

I do enjoy socialising, but my big issue is that I usually never bother with small talking outside of social events or work as I find it to be very cognitively demanding (I’m tired af right now after today!)

Will this just become something I adjust to eventually?

1 comment
  1. People in stores are paid to speak to you though. So you’re just draining your social battery and theirs for no reason. Kinda cruel really if you have no plans to purchase anything and are just hogging up their time.

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