POV: you’re out on a date with your man, date, or potential boyfriend and you notice he has wondering eyes everytime a woman passes by. How do you react or feel?

  1. Honestly, it doesn’t bother me. I’ll even point out the ones I know he’ll like he may have missed. It all just depends on what they do when/after looking. Do they compare you to them in a derogatory
    manner? Is he giving running commentary that makes you uncomfortable? If no, then let them look, as long as they “eat” at home, who cares where they get their appetite? Don’t we ladies look just as much?

  2. I’d feel disrespected if it’s a date or someone new and they do that. If it was with my man, then not so much.

  3. Everyone is different. To me it’s disrespectful to the woman sitting in front of you. I’m not checking out other guys so he doesn’t need to be checking out other girls

  4. Everyone is innately going to have different feelings and reactions but the simple solution is to just talk to him. Express your emotions, maybe work through them, and then go from there.

  5. If it affects how he’s engaging with me, it’s a problem. A glance? Ok. But if we’re talking, and he clearly isn’t paying attention because he’s so distracted? I’m out.

  6. I expect men to look, but don’t do it right in front of me. Do you not have enough respect for me to not do it in front of me

  7. I think it’s incredibly rude and disrespectful to be checking other women out while you’re on a date with someone else. I wouldn’t go out with a guy like that.

  8. I had this happen. We would walk and a girl would pass by. He would act like he forgot something just so he could turn around and look at her butt. That lasted all of 2 days✌🏽

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