Many couples include these words in their marriage vows.

For those who are married and made this vow, what does “for worse” constitute for you? Where do you draw the line as to how much you’re willing to bear?

  1. >for better, for worse

    I don’t think people really count on “the worse “to be honest with you. They are so happy and in love at the time that the idea of worse seems miniscule, or far fetched.

    The “worse” is going to be different for every couple.

    I don’t think there’s any “real” answer because my answer may differ greatly from your answer.

  2. For worse, doesn’t equate to be neglected or abused. Meaning I’ll be in this until I feel my husband has neglected his place with me or any abuse takes place.

    I think some people assume “for better or worse” means you are agreeing to stay regardless of how they treat you. That’s not really marriage, that’s prison.

    I’m not willing to endure abuse to prove I can, and many people do. It just leads to resentment, I know many couples together 20+ years and HATE each other because they are holding on to the person who keeps abusing them.

    I want to experience love and support, I’m willing to give that also. The “worse” shouldn’t be what you endure from them, but together. If they start becoming what you are enduring.. that’s past the worse you agreed to.

    If you abuse my child we are done. You’d be lucky to get out with a divorce and your life if that line is crossed.

  3. For worse to me means things like financial hardship, emotional tolls, loss and grieving, etc. It doesn’t mean things like abuse, infidelity, manipulation, etc.

    I also personally would never stay with someone who didn’t put my child’s needs first. I’m not saying they need to be the perfect parent, but I personally know quite a few people who felt their partners were no longer putting the child first and I don’t think I could deal with that.

  4. Decline in financial position or social standing.

    Health is covered off in “in sickness or in health”

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